
新年ご挨拶 New Year Message

校長 John Southworth

There is always some excitement about the start of a new year, even if in reality, despite the best intentions, not much changes in the end. When you meet or write to someone for the first time, it is of course a tradition around the world to wish that person a “Happy New Year”. This year, the earthquake that struck Japan on January 1 and the accident at Haneda Airport the following day were headline news all around the world. It was anything but a happy new year, and the thoughts of everyone at KLAS are with those that have been affected, directly or indirectly, by these incidents.

Here at KLAS, happily, we have had a smooth start to Term 4, with all the students returning on schedule, and four weeks of classes and snow activities have already passed. The weather, as has often been the case in recent years, has been unpredictable with snowfalls, rain, wind, and currently very mild temperatures. This now seems to be the reality of mountain climates compared to the winters of the early years of the school. Despite that, students’ ski and snowboard activities have gone ahead more or less uninterrupted, and students seem to be enjoying the different feel that this season brings to life in Leysin.

At the end of January, the MUN team returned from The Hague after a week that must have brought them many emotions: exciting, rewarding, overwhelming, inspiring to name but a few. KLAS has had a team at The Hague International Model United Nations every year since 1998, and even during the pandemic, they were able to join the event online, although it is of course much easier and more satisfying as an event in person. It is a KLAS tradition that we are very proud of.

In February, our focus turns to Open House. Open House is another KLAS tradition that goes back to the founding of the school, and of course it had to be paused during the pandemic because such events were either not allowed or not advised. Open House has always been a popular event for both people local to Leysin and to those from further afield, and in the early years of the school at least, it was often the only way that they could experience a little bit of Japanese culture. Nowadays, visiting Japan has become more affordable for many, but we expect that Open House will once again introduce people to some sounds, sights and tastes of Japan and will further strengthen our strong connections with the local community.

Thank you so much for your continued support. On behalf of everyone at KLAS, I send our best wishes to you all for a happy and healthy New Year.


ここKLASでは、幸いなことにターム4は順調にスタートしています。全生徒が予定通りに帰寮し、授業とスノーアクティビティが順調におこなわれ、1ヶ月がすでに過ぎました。近年よくあることですが、天候は、降雪、雨、風、そして現在のところ非常に穏やかな気温と、予測不可能な状況が続いています。学校創設期の頃の冬と比較して、今ではこれが山の気候の現実のようです。 それにもかかわらず、スキーやスノーボードのアクティビティはほぼ中断されることなく行われており、生徒たちはこの季節がレザンにもたらすさまざまな雰囲気を楽しんでいるようです。

1月の終わり、KLASのMUN チームがハーグから戻ってきました。刺激的、やりがい、圧倒的、感動など、一週間のなかでさまざまな感情をもたらしたに違いありません。 KLASは1998年以来、毎年ハーグ国際模擬国連にチームを派遣しております。コロナ禍ではオンラインでイベントに参加することができましたが、やはり対面でのイベントで満足度がはるかに高いです。MUN 参加はとても誇りとしている KLAS の伝統行事です。

2月のKLASは、オープンハウスに集中します。 オープンハウスはKLASのもうひとつの伝統行事であり、コロナ禍では中断していましたが、創立以来続いています。オープンハウスは、地元レザンやスイス各地から来る人々にとって人気の行事で、学校創設期の頃は、日本文化を体験できる唯一の方法であったかもしれません。 現在では日本を訪問しやすくなりましたが、KLASのオープンハウスが再び人々に日本の文化を紹介し、地元のコミュニティとの繋がりをさらに強くできることを期待しています。

皆様からのご支援に大変感謝しております。本年もどうぞ宜しくお願い申し上げます。 2024年、皆様のご健康とご多幸をお祈りいたします。