
The Hague International Model United Nations (THIMUN) 2024 (ハーグ国際模擬国連)


担当 Wayne Watson

The 2024 THIMUN Conference was in-person for the second consecutive year, with the disruption of COVID-19 completely gone, thankfully. The venue was, as usual, the World Forum Conference Centre in The Hague and, just like last year, the conference was also challenging, as everybody had to adapt to yet another new format of the conference, not only a hybrid of how the conference used to be before COVID-19 and how the conference was during COVID-19, but even different from last year’s conference, as the organisers continued to adjust various things in the wake of COVID-19, making it better and more productive. As always, now that the conference has finished, it is illuminating to look back at how it went.

To begin with, the amount of work that goes into preparing for the THIMUN conference is considerable. The KLAS students who are on the THIMUN delegation officially start MUN activity in the summer during Term 1, and each delegate has to become intimately familiar with information about the UN, their country or UN organisation – Ecuador, this year – the theme of the conference, which this year was “Peace, Law & Justice,” their assigned world issues, and how these issues affect and are affected by the country that they represent and the rest of the world. They have to do research, give presentations, and write reports on three issues as they relate to their country; the specific world issues each delegate researches depend on the committee that they choose. Moreover, they have to be ready to use all of this information in English once they get to The Hague. This is a massive job every year, and all the delegates agree that no matter how well-prepared they are, it doesn’t seem like it is enough, and this year was no different. This year, all of the delegates made a good effort with all of the preparation work that they should have done, including the homework the delegates were required to do over the winter break. In The Hague, they all faced the challenge of the conference and, I hope, gained some valuable things from the experience.

For the conference itself, the THIMUN delegation departed KLAS on Saturday, January 20. We flew to Amsterdam and then took our transfer bus to Amsterdam. There, we braved the rather bitter cold to do a tour of the Anne Frank House, a tour that cannot in any way be described as fun, but that is undeniably worthwhile, and still very relevant to current world affairs. Afterwards, we took our bus to our hotel, Carlton Beach, in Scheveningen in The Hague. As it was past dinner time, and we were all fairly tired after a fairly long day – we had departed KLAS at 07:30 – we had free time to eat, relax, and plan for Sunday.

On Sunday, January 21, we had a day for sightseeing, which included the city of Rotterdam and various museums in The Hague, and we finished the day by having a team dinner together at a delicious Indian restaurant in Scheveningen. On Monday, January 22, while I registered for the conference, the students had a free day until study hall, during which they had a chance to do some last-minute preparation for the conference. Then, on Tuesday, the hard work began.

From Tuesday to Friday, the delegation participated in full work days from about 09:00 to 17:00, long days and hard work. They also had normal two-hour study halls at night in order to prepare for the following days. They faced the challenges of lobbying, merging resolutions, giving opening speeches, and debating in the conference centre among thousands of students from hundreds of schools from nearly one hundred countries around the world. It was a difficult experience for even the best-prepared delegates. Nevertheless, despite what was undeniably a slow beginning on the first day of the conference, the delegates refused to give up and kept trying hard all the way until the end of the conference. In fact, the motivation and enthusiasm of this year’s delegation were exceptional. While none of our delegates succeeded in becoming main submitters of resolutions, the most prestigious accomplishment possible in the conference, this year, our delegation accomplished something perhaps even more valuable – everybody in the delegation succeeded in speaking in debate during the conference! While having a delegate become a main submitter is an amazing accomplishment for one delegate, having all of the delegates speaking in debate during the conference is an amazing accomplishment for the whole delegation, and one that doesn’t usually happen, so the whole delegation should feel quite proud of it!

On Saturday, January 27, we had an early-morning departure from our hotel for our transfer back to Schiphol Airport for our flight back to KLAS. It all added up to a stimulating week. I am sure the members of the delegation learned a lot not only about the world but also themselves, not only through their participation in the conference itself but also through their forging of new friendships with people like themselves from all over the world. I hope that MUN and THIMUN will always be a treasured part of their memories of KLAS.

This year, the effort and preparation of the delegates seemed better than in many previous years, though this is always an area in which they should strive to improve each year. On Tuesday, the lobbying day, it quickly became clear that some of our delegates were not as prepared as they would have liked to have been. The simple truth is, though, no matter how much effort and time delegates put into their preparation, I have never had a delegate feel that they had done enough to enable them to hold their own in this highly competitive conference. It’s challenging even for the best delegates.

As the week continued, however, more and more of our KLAS delegates were able to speak. Now, simply getting a chance to speak during the conference is a challenging task in and of itself – even when a delegate raises their placard to speak at every opportunity, there is no guarantee that the chair of the debate will choose them. It took determination, guts, and perseverance, but this year’s delegates had prepared well (?) and kept raising their placards, earning their chances to speak. As mentioned above, the end result was that all of the KLAS delegates who attended the conference this year spoke in debate, which was . . . awesome.

The reason why I am taking the time to explain all this is not simply to praise their stellar efforts, though. Rather, it is to remind the parents and students that THIMUN is not an activity and conference for anybody – it is an activity that prepares students to go to the largest, most prestigious, and most competitive MUN conference in the world, a conference for the best of the best. As a result, this year’s conference highlighted the challenges that face students who choose to do MUN. In order to even have a chance to participate in the main business of the conference, debate, students must be able to follow the ideas of the debate. In order to follow the ideas of the debate, they must be able to understand the language of the debate, English. In order to understand the language of the debate, English, students must develop sufficient English listening skills, and in order to develop sufficient listening skills, students must use their English language skills as much as possible. The truly committed students do so not merely when they have to do so in classes and preparation exercises, but more importantly when they don’t have to in their free time as well. This indicator of effort is, in my experience, one of the most accurate predictors of success in a venue like THIMUN. Students who are interested in applying for next year’s team must keep this in mind – I will be looking for students who are active, outgoing leaders in using their English skills, who use them not merely when they have to do so, of course, but in their free time as well. It is therefore important to remember that, when choosing delegates, quality is far more important than quantity.

In short, there seems to be very little point in removing a student from a week of classes in KLAS in order to sit in a conference for a week, unspeaking, and so when choosing students for next year’s delegation, the level of quality against which they will be judged will be the students who, in past years, did put in the effort and time in preparation for the THIMUN conference that allowed them to speak in debate.

Considering all of the above, I strongly encourage any KLAS student who is willing to make it their most serious commitment to consider applying to join the THIMUN Team. They must be aware that it is highly challenging, however. Applicants must have excellent motivation, English skills, grades, and discipline records in order even to be considered. If they meet these standards, THIMUN is a great opportunity for KLAS students to challenge themselves.


今年のTHIMUNは、コロナウィルスによる障害が完全に解消され、昨年に続き、対面で開催されました。 会場は例年通り、ハーグのワールド・フォーラム・カンファレンスセンターでした。コロナ以前と以後の形式が混在した新しい会議に誰もが適応しなければならなかったので、昨年と同様、チャレンジングでした。しかし、昨年とはさらに異なり、主催者はコロナの影響を受けてさまざまな調整を続け、会議をより良く、より生産的なものにしました。いつもながら、会議が終わった今、振り返ってみると、示唆に富んでいます。


さて、実際に模擬国連に参加するために私たちは 1月20日(土)にKLASを出発し、ジュネーブからアムステルダムまで飛行機で移動しました。非常に寒かったアムステルダムでは、アンネ・フランクの家を見学しました。このツアーは決して楽しいとは言えませんが、間違いなく価値があり、現在の世界情勢にも非常に関連しています。 その後、バスでハーグのホテルへ向かいました。 朝7:30に学校を出発し、長い一日を終えて、夕食の時間を過ぎたころにはみなかなり疲れていましたので、その後は自由時間をとったり、日曜日の計画を立てたりする時間にしました。




しかし、週が進むにつれて、より多くの KLASの生徒が発言できるようになりました。 さて、会議中に発言する機会を得るということ自体が困難な仕事なのです。たとえあらゆる機会に発言するためにプラカードを掲げたとしても、討論会の議長が彼らを選ぶという保証はありません。 決意と根性と忍耐が必要でしたが、今年の生徒たちはしっかりと準備をしてプラカードを掲げ続け、発言のチャンスを掴みました。 上で述べたように、最終結果として、今年の会議に出席した KLAS の代表者全員が討論で発言しました。素晴らしいです。

しかし、私が時間をかけてこのすべてを説明するのは、単に彼らの素晴らしい努力を賞賛するためではありません。 むしろ、模擬国連は誰にでも参加できるものではないことを保護者や生徒たちに理解して欲しいからです。世界で最も権威のある、競争力のあるMUN会議に行く心構えを生徒にもってほしいのです。その結果として、今年MUNに参加することを選択した生徒が向き合ったチャレンジについて強調したいと思います。会議の主である討論に参加する機会を得るためでさえも、生徒たちはしっかりと指針に沿った議論ができなくてはなりません。そのためには、議論で使う英語を理解できなければなりません。その英語を理解するために、生徒たちは十分に英語のリスニング力を上げ、可能な限り英語を使わなければなりません。熱心な生徒は、授業や予習のときなど必要なときだけではなく、授業以外で英語を使う必要がないときでも、出来る限り英語を使おうとしています。努力しているかどうかを見れば、模擬国連のような舞台で成功できるか明確に予想できます。来年MUNに参加したい生徒はこのことをよく覚えておかなければなりません。行動力があり、必要なときだけではなく、授業以外の自由な時間においても率先して英語を使っていくことができる積極的な生徒を求めます。量よりも質がはるかに重要であることを覚えておいてください。




こんなに偉そうに当時のことを語っている私ですが、お恥ずかしながらKLASで初めてディベートの練習をした際、泣いてしまったことがあります。たった12人の仲間の前に立った途端、緊張で足がすくみ、思うように出てこない己のあまりに未熟な英語にむしゃくしゃし、その不甲斐なさに情けなくなりました。そして、「本番はたった1人でこの緊張感や恐怖に立ち向かわなきゃいけないんだ」と気づいた瞬間、視界がぐにゃぐにゃと歪み、声が出なくなったのです。しかし、どれだけ私が言葉に詰まろうとも時間は進み続けます。なんとか言葉を絞り出し、スピーチを終えて座席に戻ると、ワトソン先生に「どうして泣いたの?」と聞かれました。怒られるのかと怯えながらも正直に答えると、“Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.” と言う言葉を私たちに贈ってくださいました。「この世に『初めて』より怖いものはない。その最初の一歩を乗り越えた君はもう無敵だ」と。



