Class of 2019 卒業式に寄せて
校長 渡邉 博司
卒業生のみなさん、こうしてガウンに身を包んだ姿を前にすると、みなさんが3年前に初めてスイスに来た時のことを思い出します。みなさんは未来への大きな希望を抱いていましたが、その裏には不安も見え隠れしていました。 あれから3年の月日が流れ、みなさんは多くのことを経験しました。そして、ここでの生活が故に大きく成長しました。それがどんな成長だったのか、3つのキーワードを使って表現してみたいと思います。
このような違いを認識する経験がみなさんの視野を広げたのです。これらの経験がみなさんに多様性を受け入れさせ、価値観を広げ、多彩な人生観をもたらしたのだと思います。 みなさんの生活を表現する3つ目のキーワードは「コミュニティ」です。他者と暮らすことははじめてのことでしたが、やり遂げました。
今やみなさんは大切なモットー「Respect Others」を理解しています。これは私たちの暮らしを平穏なものにする魔法の言葉ですが、ときには魔法が働かないこともあったと認めなくてはなりません。
I am delighted to welcome you, distinguished guests, parents and relatives, to our graduation ceremony today, and I would like to express my sincere appreciation of your strong support for the Kumon Leysin Academy of Switzerland.
Graduates, seeing you sitting here in academic gowns in front of me, I remember the day you first came to Switzerland three years ago. You had great hope for the future, but behind that you couldn't hide your anxiety.
Since then, three years have already passed, and you have experienced so much, and you have matured in many ways because of life here. I'll try to describe the time you spent here using three keywords.
One of the keywords is "English". You lived with English in your daily life.
It is our basic policy to use English in several ways around campus: in assembly, meetings, announcements, bulletin messages, and of course in many classes. This ceremony is typical of one such way. I am speaking to you here in English even though the easiest language for you and for me is Japanese. Why am I doing this?
Ambassador Okaniwa spoke in English, not in his mother tongue of Japanese. And as for the Mayor of Leysin, M. Udriot, his first language is French, but he spoke to you in Japanese, no, in English!
Why do we speak in English here in a French-speaking area? The answer is very simple. Because there are people gathered here with different nationalities and different mother tongues, and the most useful language, the most common language, on this occasion is English.
For you, using English is not special or unique at all. Some of you are going abroad to college. When you study at college in Japan, you will have many opportunities to study with visiting international students. Even when you work for a company in Japan, you will most likely work with non-Japanese people, and it is highly likely that your business will have a connection with foreign firms. I hope your experience of studying in English and living with English will be of great use in your future.
The second keyword to describe your life is "differences". Throughout your life here, you encountered different people. I would like to show some examples. First of all, you lived in a dormitory sharing a room with several roommates over three years. It must have been fun, but it is not always easy to cope with others. I think you learned a very simple but important fact that others are different from you in thoughts and in lifestyle. You will have learnt that even your best friend has his or her own personality and is not the same as you. Because different people live together, you could see these differences.
As a second example, you saw differences in the way of teaching as well. It differs according to teacher and according to course, and you obviously saw differences in teaching between the Japanese and DFL faculty.
Another difference you encountered is in cultures, which you appreciated by living in Switzerland and by traveling to many countries on school trips and privately-arranged trips.
Those experiences of recognizing differences have widened your viewpoint. I think they make you accept diversity and add value and variety to your life.
The third keyword to describe your life is "community". It was the first time for you to live with so many other people, but you managed.
At this time, you now know the importance of our motto, "Respect others". This is a magic phrase to keep our life peaceful. However, I have to say that at times it might not have been the case.
In living with others, you might have had difficulties. You sometimes had conflict with others. You were not able to accept others. Sometimes, others were not always good friends.
In order to find a solution to these difficulties, you had to learn to live with others by talking and discussing with each other. This is not fun, but rather painful. In this necessary process, you listened to others carefully, and you sympathized with others. However, just listening well is not enough for a solution. You have to express yourself, and you have to make others understand you as well to develop a mutual understanding and then find a really acceptable solution.
You have learned a lot in coping with others in this community. This is a valuable lesson for your future life. You will be involved in several communities, like a group of friends in college, working in a team in the company you work for and of course the family you will have. I am sure that what you learned here will be very useful for you to take a proactive role in such future communities.
With these three keywords of "English", "differences" and "community", I have described your life here, and those are the keywords of the modern, global society as well. I hope all your experiences at the school will bring you great benefits in your future endeavors.
Finally, please remember that Leysin is your second hometown. Do not hesitate to contact or visit us. We always welcome you in your second home. As you know, I am retiring, and this is the last graduation for me, bringing to an end 24 years in total at this school. In a way, I am graduating from the school with you. I can't welcome you in Leysin, so let me say "see you again sometime, somewhere".