Student Life

Dormitory Life

Kumon Leysin Academy of Switzerland (KLAS) accepts the heavy responsibility of boarding school education: teaching, coaching, supervising the dormitories and more important, serving as surrogate parents providing caring guidance for the teenage years. KLAS has a dedicated dorm parent in each of boys' and girls' dorms. The dorm mother and dorm father do not teach but oversee life in the dorms and provide further support and guidance to students. Dorm life, although often challenging at first, often becomes one of the highlights of students' three years at this school and, more often that not, the thing that they miss most after graduation.


The Daily Schedule

The typical school day is organized to provide a balance between classwork, recreational and sports activities, and independent study. Time management and knowing where they have to be at what time are essential skills for students to learn while they are at KLAS. A typical weekday looks like this:

Students are expected to do two after-school activities a week. Other students will also have other optional extracurricular obligations, such as extra study hall, private lessons, musical rehearsals. On Friday afternoons, there are no activities. Instead there is a faculty meeting, student association meeting and an assembly, which brings the school week to an official close.

Classes (Seven periods) 08:00 - 15:25
Activities 16:00 - 17:45
Dinner 17:45 - 18:30
Study Hall (Sunday - Thursday) 19:00 - 21:00
In-room time 22:00
Lights out 22:30

Afternoon Activities

All students participate in at least two supervised afternoon activities each week. Each type of activity meets at least one afternoon per week. Students choose among a variety of sports or recreational activities depending on interest and faculty expertise.

Interscholastic sports:
badminton, basketball, running, skiing, soccer, snowboarding, swimming, tennis, volleyball

Non-competitive sports:
fitness, ice-skating, mountain biking, squash, trekking

Additional activities such as private music & language lessons, choir, concert band club, Model United Nations, and college guidance are also available.

Winter Activities

Leysin, one of the major ski resorts of western Switzerland, permits excellent sports opportunities during the winter months. All students take part in ski or snowboard activities two full afternoons per week and receive instruction by Swiss Ski School. The KLAS ski and snowboard teams compete against other schools, too.