
Exchange program


副校長 John Southworth


The exchange program first started in 1997, and that was with Miles Macdonell Collegiate (MMC) in Winnipeg, Canada. Since then, MMC, which has Japanese classes in its curriculum, has been a loyal partner in this program. We had other schools from other countries join us from time to time, but they were not able to offer anything permanent. Then in 2007, we were pleased to welcome a second school as part of the exchange program. Steinbach Regional Secondary School (SRSS) is in Steinbach, a city near Winnipeg, and although Japanese classes are not offered there, the students come to KLAS eager to learn something about the language and culture, and SRSS has been an invaluable partner school, too.

This summer, we were pleased to welcome two MMC students and ten SRSS students. They and their KLAS partners started contacting each other in March, but it was only on July 9 that they actually came face to face. It can be a little difficult to communicate at first, and boarding school life is sometimes a challenge for the Canadians. However, it was clear that the Canadians’ eyes really were opened to a world beyond the flat prairies of their homeland. And KLAS students benefitted from spending time with English speakers of their own age. When the Canadians left after four weeks here, I was really pleased to hear them say that KLAS was not only a school but a home. The Canadians left with their KLAS partners, who then enjoyed a three-week homestay in Canada, with many sporting and cultural events, and this opened our students’ eyes to life outside this small Alpine town.
I was recently in contact with a graduate of 1998, and he participated in the very first exchange program in 1997. He is still in contact with his exchange partner. Indeed, both of them are married with children, and their families met a few years ago in Japan. Friendships that develop on the exchange program can last for decades and can even pass down generations. Let’s hope that the 2017 exchange, and all future exchanges, also result in such long-lasting and meaningful friendships.

エクスチェンジ・プログラムは1997年に始まり、カナダのウィニペグにある高校、Miles Macdonell Collegiate(MMC)の生徒と実施されました。日本語の授業があるMMCは、その時以来ずっとこのエクスチェンジ・プログラムのパートナーです。時折他の国の高校も参加しましたが、2007年、同じくカナダの高校、Steinbach Regional Secondary School(SRSS)がエクスチェンジ・プログラムの2つ目の学校として加わりました。SRSSはウィニペグの近くSteinbachにあります。日本語の授業はありませんが、生徒たちがKLASに行って、言葉と文化を学びたいと思っています。現在SRSSも貴重なパートナーです。

今年の夏、MMCからの生徒2名とSRSSからの生徒10名をレザンに迎えました。3月からKLASの生徒たちと連絡を取りはじめ、7月9日に初めて顔を合わせました。最初はコミュニケーションが少し難しいかもしれませんし、寮生活もカナダの生徒にとっては時にはチャレンジなものと言えるでしょう。しかし、カナダの生徒たちが、初めて自国の平坦な草原の向こうにある別世界を知ったことは明らかです。 また、KLASの生徒たちは、同年代の人々と英語で話す時間を持つことで大きな恩恵を得ました。4週間のプログラムを終えてカナダの生徒たちが帰国するとき、彼らが「KLASは学校であるだけでなく私達の”Home“だ」と言ってくれてとても嬉しかったです。KLASの生徒たちは彼らの帰国と同時にカナダへ向かい、3週間のホームステイをスポーツや文化交流とともに楽しみ、この小さな村の外の生活を新たに知りました。
