
A Year Like No Other

校長 ジョン・サウスワース


What a year 2020 has turned out to be.

The first half of this academic year was like all others. SIL, sports, travel, and school events all took place as usual, and we all headed to our homes in December wondering what the new year and new decade would bring us. We never thought it would bring us this.

Since February, students' hopes have been regularly dashed: first the cancellation of certain spring trips, then the cancellation of all spring break trips and the surprise announcement that we were closing, and then the gradual realization that students would not be able to return to Leysin this school year.

In previous years, in the June edition of KLAS News, the former Principal, Hiroshi Watanabe, would share the words he gave at the graduation ceremony. This year, of course, I am unable to continue that tradition, just as many other traditions have been broken in these past couple of months.

To the 34 young men and women that make up the Class of 2020 and the 28th graduating class of the Kumon Leysin Academy of Switzerland, I send you my warmest congratulations on your graduation. It is important not to let this pandemic define you as a Class or define your time here. I would like to pay tribute to the mature and cooperative way that you have dealt with all the recent disappointments and the way that you adapted to learning online from your bedrooms in Japan. I am sure that all the faculty join me in thanking and congratulating you for the fine example you have set to your juniors. Our world remains an uncertain place, but I am confident that you are ready to forge your way in this world with the skills you have developed and the experiences you have had since you arrived in Leysin in July 2017. I would also like to thank the parents of the Class of 2020, whose hopes have also been dashed in many ways in recent weeks, for their understanding and cooperation at this challenging time.

This pandemic has the power to close schools and shops and to force people to stay at home, but it does not have the power to break the bonds of friendship that develop through life at KLAS. This is our 30th anniversary year, and we know from experience that these bonds are not limited by age, gender, or geography. The KLAS community – students, staff and parents – remain connected well after the three years in Leysin come to an end, and I am sure that this year will be no different.

10th and 11th graders, and the new 10th graders, will be looking forward to the new school year starting in the summer, and we will be contacting them separately about our vision for that. In the meantime, we focus our attention on the Class of 2020, and we send each and every one of them our very best wishes for a bright and healthy future in which I hope they can look back with pride and fondness on their time at the Kumon Leysin Academy of Switzerland.





これまで前校長の渡邉先生は卒業式でのスピーチをホームページに掲載していました。ここ数ヶ月でいくつものKLASの伝統行事ができなかったように、今年はその伝統を継承することができませんが、KLASの28回目の卒業生であるClass of 2020の34名のみなさんへご卒業を心よりお祝いを申し上げます。おめでとうございます。この困難な状況ですが、みなさんの卒業にパンデミックの影響があったことと強調せず、ここでのこれまでの時間をいつまでも大切にしてほしいと思っています。このような事態にもうまく対処するみなさんの成熟した協調性、また、遠隔学習にうまく適応してくれたことに敬意を表します。みなさんが後輩たちの模範となってくれたことに全教職員が感謝していることは確かです。この先も世の中は不透明な状況が続くと思いますが、みなさんが2017年7月にレザンに来て以来、培ってきたスキルや経験を活かし、自分の道を切り開く準備ができていると確信しています。また、ここ数週間で様々な形で期待が絶たれてしまいましたが、卒業生の保護者のみなさまにおかれましてはこの大変困難な時にご理解とご協力いただきましたことに感謝申し上げます。

このパンデミックは、学校や商店を閉鎖させたり、外出を自粛させたりする力を持っていますが、KLAS での生活の中で育まれた友情の絆を断ち切る力は持ちえていません。今年KLASは創立30周年の年です。この絆は年齢や性別、地理的な制約を受けないことはこれまでの経験からみなわかっています。生徒、スタッフ、保護者のみなさまでつくられるKLASコミュニティは、レザンでの3年間が終わった後もずっと繋がっていきます。今年もそうであることを確信しています。

10年生と11年生、そして新入生は、今年の夏からの新年度を楽しみにしていることと思います。新年度に関する詳しいことについては、別途ご案内をさせていただきます。 最後に、今年の卒業生Class of 2020のみなさんひとりひとりに対して、KLASで過ごした時間を誇りと思いやりの心を持って振り返ることができるよう明るく健やかな未来になることを心より願っております。