Class of 2023 卒業式
2023 年卒業式学校長祝辞
Class of 2023, both students and parents, on behalf of the KLAS faculty and staff, I offer my heartfelt congratulations on reaching this moment – your graduation ceremony in the Château d’Aigle, Aigle Castle. A moment that enables you to join the 1500 students before you that have received their diplomas, most of them in this very room. A moment that that you have worked towards for three years.
And what a three years it has been – for you, for us, for the whole world. I can still remember your arrival in Leysin quite clearly. It was around eight o’clock in the evening of Wednesday August 5th, 2020, a month later than the usual arrival of students because of Covid-19. Switzerland had come out of lockdown in three stages in April, May and June that year. Your seniors had arrived a few days before you because they needed to pack up their belongings, which had been left behind in their rooms when we closed in March. It was such a relief to see you all walk down the road from the Feydey bridge, trying to control your suitcases on the downward slope. KLAS students and staff were waiting outside to welcome you, all of us wearing masks. At that time, there were many uncertainties ahead of us, but the arrival of you, the new students, meant that the new school year was finally starting and that we were moving forward.
In actual fact, many of us at KLAS were just relieved that you came. You passed the entrance exam in December 2019 before any of us had heard of this new virus that would later be called Covid-19, and not one of you changed your mind despite the panic and uncertainty that the world experienced. You waited patiently, joining online orientations, an online welcome assembly, and even online classes in Japan at first until you finally set foot on campus on that light and warm summer’s evening in August 2020. Thank you for not giving up. It is a great relief to us, and to you and your parents, I am sure, that nearly three years after that summer’s evening, we are here together in this medieval castle, without masks or restrictions either here in Switzerland or in Japan, celebrating the end of your high school studies.
I have to say that I envy you for this moment. I come from a country, the UK, in which a graduation ceremony is traditionally associated with the end of university studies only. There are rarely graduation ceremonies before that, although things are changing now. When I was your age, I did my exams in June, similar to AP exams, only going to school when I had exams. Then I had to wait until the middle of August to get the results and to find out whether or not I was able to enter university. On that day in August, I drove to the school, went to the office, received an envelope with my results, and that was it. No parties, no banquets, no speeches, no ceremonies. I just drove home feeling relieved that I got the necessary grades to be able to go to university the following month.
Graduation at KLAS is quite different from that of course, and rightly so. Graduation for you is not only a celebration of earning yourself a high school diploma. Obviously that is what it means at its most fundamental level – you have worked hard to do what is necessary to pass all your courses over three years and earn the credits needed. However, today is a celebration of much more than that. We celebrate your accomplishments in sports and in the arts. We celebrate your teamwork and leadership, not least in this past year as seniors, leading school events, committees, and sports teams. We celebrate your personal growth these past three years. And by that I do not mean how you have changed physically, but how you have changed as young adults in these three years by the experiences you have had. There have undoubtedly been good times and bad times, ups and downs, tears of joy and tears of sadness in this unique and special journey you have had here in the Swiss Alps.
And those tears of joy and sadness will surely continue today and tomorrow. Tears of joy that you made it to this moment, joy that you survived dorm life in a school thousands of miles away from home and during a pandemic. And tears of sadness that this journey is about to end. You are all about to start new journeys, and our job has been to get you ready for these onward journeys, but I know from my contact with graduates over the years that nothing quite equals the KLAS experience.
You will probably find that you will miss study halls. You will remember checking the bulletin at morning break, or even during Period B when the teacher is not looking, to see what is for lunch. You will remember racing to the cafeteria when it is a Japanese dish for lunch. Girls will remember racing to the dorm at 15:25, desperate to be one of the first eight girls to get clothes into a washing machine. You will remember the bell at 9PM to mark the end of study hall and the stampede to get to the recreation room to cook ramen. You will remember that feeling at around 16:20 on Friday afternoons when I close the assembly with “Have a nice weekend and don’t forget to sign in.”
As you move on to different parts of Japan and to different parts of the world, I hope you will look back on your time here with pride, with fondness, and with appreciation to your parents and relatives, who were the ones that made this possible. Remember what you learned and experienced and felt both in good times and not so good times, and use that to forge your path ahead ready to make respectful, positive and meaningful contributions to the world. We believe that with your language skills, your maturity, your experience of having to cope with unexpected curve balls, and your appreciation of the fact that it is the differences between us that make us stronger, the future is bright for you.
Class of 2023, both students and parents, congratulations once again on your graduation. Thank you very much.
Class of 2023のみなさん、ご家族のみなさま、KLASの教職員を代表して、ここエーグル城で卒業式を迎えられたことを心からお祝い申し上げます。まさに今、これまで卒業証書を受け取ってきた約1500人にみなさんが仲間入りします。このときに向かってみなさんは3年間努力してきたのです。
皆さんはきっと、スタディホールを懐かしく思うことでしょう。朝の休憩時間、あるいは授業中の合間に、掲示板の昼食メニューをチェックしたことを覚えていることでしょう。メニューが日本食の場合、カフェテリアに駆け込んだことを思い出すでしょう。女子のみなさんは、学校が終わる15時25分に寮に駆け込み、洗濯機を最初に使える1人になろうと必死だったことを覚えているはずです。午後9時に自習室の終了を告げるベルが鳴り、夜食を作るためにレクリエーションルームに向かったことを覚えていることでしょう。金曜日の16時20分頃全校集会を終える時に、私が "Have a nice weekend and don't forget to sign in. "と言ったときのあの感覚をみなさんは覚えていることでしょう。
Class of 2023のみなさん、ご家族のみなさま、改めましてご卒業おめでとうございます。