
The Hague International Model United Nations 2022(ハーグ国際模擬国連)


担当 Wayne Watson

Well, despite the hopes of the organisers of the THIMUN Conference that the conference would be able to return to being an in-person conference, the rise of the Omicron variant made that impossible, and the

2022 THIMUN Conference once again occurred online. (https://thehague.thimun.org) Fortunately, everybody made the best of it, learning from last year’s experience, and had a stimulating and productive conference that was, in the opinions of most involved, better than last year’s.

In the past, I have noted how much work should go into preparing for the THIMUN conference. This year, like last year, the students had to prepare less than for an in-person conference, but knowing beforehand what an online conference would entail, they were able to prepare better, perhaps. Like last year, because of the changes to how the conference worked, the delegates had to prepare fewer topics for debate. As well, because of the disruptions to the regular KLAS school year due to COVID-19, the team was less able to work together than teams in previous years. As I mentioned last year, though, while the preparation for this year’s delegates was less, it was by no means easier. On the contrary, since this year’s delegates had to do more of the preparatory work on their own, without the support and structure of doing it here at KLAS with their teammates, their preparation was quite challenging. In fact, KLAS students have been quite fortunate that KLAS is continuing to participate in the THIMUN conference, the world’s largest MUN conference, despite the challenges, since many schools around the world have chosen, sadly, not to grapple with the additional complications but to not participate instead.

As in previous years, each student had to become intimately familiar with information about the UN, their agency – this year KLAS didn’t represent a country, but an international agency, UNICEF – the theme of the conference, which this year was “One Planet, One World: Debate, Decide, Act Now,” their assigned world issues, and how these issues affected and were affected by the agency that they represented and the rest of the world. They had to prepare research reports and write policy statements on various issues as they related to their agency; the specific world issues each student researched depended on the commission or committee that they chose. Moreover, they had to be ready to use all of this information in English during the week of the THIMUN Online 202b conference. As to whether or not each student was well-enough prepared, you would have to ask each of them. Impressively, though, each member of this year’s delegation was able to speak during the week, surpassing their very capable peers from the previous year, which was an admirable achievement,! They faced the challenge, and, I hope, gained some valuable things from the experience.

As for the conference itself, it was held during the afternoons from Monday, January 24 to Friday, January 28, from either 12:30 or 13:00 until 17:30 or 18:00-ish. Though the participating students were excused from classes and ski activities those afternoons, they still had to participate in the conference in addition to attending classes in the mornings – no easy task!. The students set up at workstations that we set up in the Assembly Hall and dove into the conference. They faced the challenges of lobbying, merging resolutions, giving policy statement speeches, and debating in the conference. Normally, at the conference in The Hague, over 3000 students from over 300 schools in nearly 100 countries around the world participate; this year, it was about 1600 students from about 110 schools from all continents, excluding Antarctica, obviously. Although an online conference cannot possibly be as productive as an in-person conference, this one yielded some interesting opportunities and discoveries. Particularly, at the beginning of the conference, the organisers spend more time on ‘breaking the ice,” time that paid off well in terms of how effectively it facilitated participation in the conference after that during the week.

Looking forward to next year, the effort and preparation of the delegates were two points that KLAS can improve upon for next year, regardless of the format that the conference takes. None of our delegates was able to become either a main submitter or a co-submitter this year, which is, metaphorically, the gold medal of THIMUN participation. Nevertheless, as mentioned, all of the KLAS delegates who attended the conference spoke, so that was inspiring.

As always, it is important to stress upon all parents and students that THIMUN is not an activity and conference for anybody – it is an activity that prepares students to go to the largest, most prestigious, and most competitive MUN conference in the world, a conference for the best of the best. As a result, this year’s conference, like last year’s, highlighted the challenges that face students who choose to do MUN. In order to even have a chance to participate in the main business of the conference, debate, students must be able to follow the ideas of the debate. In order to follow the ideas of the debate, they must be able to understand the language of the debate, English. In order to understand the language of the debate, English, students must develop sufficient English listening skills, and in order to develop sufficient listening skills, students must use their English language skills as much as possible. The truly committed students do so not merely when they have to do so in classes and preparation exercises, but more importantly when they don’t have to in their free time as well. This indicator of effort is, in my experience, one of the most accurate predictors of success in a venue like THIMUN. Students who are interested in applying for next year’s team must keep this in mind – I will be looking for students who are active, outgoing leaders in using their English skills, who use them not merely when they have to do so, of course, but in their free time as well. It is therefore important to remember that, when choosing delegates, quality is far more important than quantity.

Considering all of the above, I strongly encourage any KLAS student who is willing to make it their most serious commitment to consider applying to join the THIMUN Team. They must be aware that it is highly challenging, however. Applicants must have excellent motivation, English skills, grades, and discipline records in order even to be considered. If they meet these standards, THIMUN is a great opportunity for KLAS students to challenge themselves.





これまでのように、各生徒は国連や国連機関(今年、KLASは国の代表ではなく、国際機関であるユニセフを代表しました)について、また、会議のテーマである「One Planet, One World: Debate, Decide, Act Now」において、担当する世界の課題がユニセフや世界に与えた影響とその対応について熟知する必要がありました。生徒たちは、(模擬国連会議で)所属する各委員会に応じて、ユニセフに関連する様々な問題について調査報告書や方針声明を準備しました。さらに、これらの情報をオンライン模擬国連会議の期間中にすべて英語で使いこなせるように準備しなければなりません。十分な準備ができていたかどうかは、生徒に聞いてみないとわからないと思いますが、印象的だったのは、KLASから参加した生徒全員が、会議で発言できていたという素晴らしい成果です。彼らは挑戦と向き合い、この経験から貴重なものを得ることができたのではないでしょうか。

会議は、1月24日(月)から28日(金)の期間、午後12時30分もしくは13時から17時30分もしくは18時頃までおこなわれました。午後の授業やスキーアクティビティを欠席したとはいえ、午前中の授業に加えて会議にも参加しなければならず、大変でした。生徒たちは、学校のホールに設置したワークステーションで会議に参加し、ロビー活動、決議案の取りまとめ、ディベートなどに挑戦しました。通常、ハーグで開催される会議には、世界100カ国近く、300校以上の学校から3000人以上の学生が参加しますが、今年はすべての大陸から、約110校、約1600人の生徒が集まりました。オンライン会議は対面の会議ほど生産的ではないかもしれませんが、今回は興味深い機会と発見がありました。 特に、会議の冒頭では、主催者は「場を和やかにすること」に多くの時間を費やしました。これは、その後の会議への参加を効果的に促進し、よく機能しました。

どのような形式の会議であっても、努力と準備は、本校メンバー が来年に向けて改善できる点です。今年、模擬国連の金メダルともいえる議案の主提案者や副提案者を出すことはできませんでした。とはいえ、前述したようにKLASの参加生徒全員が意見を発言できたのは大変立派なことです。








