
Class of 2021 卒業式



2021 年度卒業式学校長祝辞

Graduating Class of 2021, congratulations on reaching this point, and congratulations on being able to be seated in this room together as a group.

It was Saturday, July 7, 2018 that you arrived in Leysin. Well, that is not strictly true. If I remember correctly, boys, you arrived on Saturday the 7th. Girls, you arrived on Sunday the 8th at around two o’clock in the morning. I wonder what you thought when you woke up several hours later. Where am I? What a view! Why am I here?

Nearly three years have passed since then, and I hope you still love the view every day when you open your curtains. However, I hope you no longer wonder “Why am I here?”!

Nearly half of your time at KLAS was affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. We all know that it has been a frustrating and challenging time, not just for you but for everyone. However, let’s not focus on what you missed or what was canceled. Let’s focus on what you have been able to do and what you have been able to achieve.

For me, the biggest success is that you were here at school with your friends, something that so many children around the world have not been able to do. I have coordinated senior reflections in the yearbook for nearly 20 years, and I know that dorm life is a huge part of the KLAS experience. And I know that students learn to understand that the difficult times are just as important as the wonderful times. You cannot underestimate the skills that you have learned by living together with limited privacy.
Patience. Respect for others. Being aware of others and their feelings. Learning to say sorry. All of these will continue to be important traits to have throughout your lives.

Your education was also not disrupted too much this year. We started the year a little late, and we started winter break earlier than expected, but for the most part your classes could proceed as usual. Indeed, since winter break, we had quite a normal Term 4 and Term 5. We look forward to celebrating those who excelled in academics, and other parts of school life, in our awards ceremony on Wednesday.

One thing that the pandemic has taught us all is the ability to adapt and to be flexible. Fixed schedules and plans have been almost impossible. Guidelines, flights, schedules have often changed suddenly. This has been tiring and frustrating.

However, we learned how to deal with a new and sudden situation. I think back to the week of Kumolympics. On the Wednesday afternoon, the government changed its guidelines, meaning that large groups were unable to use public places such as sports centres. On Thursday morning, we confirmed that we were not allowed to use our playground either. On Thursday lunchtime, I met the Kumolympics Committee in Room 5. I will never forget the disappointment on their faces as I gave them the latest news.

But what did you do? What did we do? We worked together to make a new plan for the day. The Committee sat in my office that evening, and we discussed the best way forward eventually coming up with a plan. We would use the hall. The dances would have to be rechoreographed in parts, but extra time was given for practice. In the end, as you know, each team was able to perform their dance not once but three times. Masks had to be worn, but creatively many masks became part of the team costume.

It turned out to be a happy day, and I was pleased to see the traditional ending, with the teams eating Japanese food together in the cafeteria. That week, you listened. You learned. You adapted. You succeeded.

Listening. Learning. Adapting. Succeeding. Perfect for applying to any future situation you might find yourselves in.
Those skills, along with what you have learned in the dorms and in the classrooms, should provide you with a strong foundation for your future studies, your future jobs, and your future relationships.

There are still many uncertainties at the present time, but there is one thing that you can be sure of. You have been incredibly lucky to have been given this opportunity to study abroad for three years. The fresh air, the beautiful scenery, winter sports, even the sheep in front of the school. These are things that perhaps you did not think about but what you will miss.

Your parents gave you an incredible opportunity at the young age of 15. Please use what you have learned here and move forward with that knowledge while all the time doing the best in all that you do.

To the graduating Class of 2021 sitting in front of me, congratulations. Thank you very much.

Class of 2021 の皆さん、本日この時点まで到達できたこと、そして、ここエーグル城に於いて皆さんで卒業式を迎えられたことを祝福いたします。

皆さんがレザンに到着したのは、2018年7月7日の土曜日でした。正確には、男子は7 日の土曜日に到着しましたが、女子は8 日の日曜日の午前2 時頃に到着しました。数時間後に目が覚めたとき、皆さんどう思ったでしょうか。「ここはどこ?」「なんて素晴らしい景色なんだろう!」「どうして私はここにいるのだろう?」

皆さんが KLAS で過ごした時間の半分近くは、Covid-19のパンデミックの影響を受けました。皆さんだけではなく、誰にとっても悔しく困難な時期であったことは承知しています。しかし、できなかったことに注目するのはやめましょう。皆さんができたことや達成できたことに注目しましょう。
私にとっての最大の成功は、皆さんが友達と一緒に学校にいられたことだと思っています。これは世界中の多くの子供たちができていないことです。私は20年近くイヤーブックで卒業生の感想をまとめていますが、KLASでは寮生活が大きな部分を占めています。そして、困難な時期も素晴らしい時期と同じくらい重要であると理解するようになっていることも知っています。限られたプライバシーの中で共同生活を送ることで身につけたスキルを過小評価してはいけません。忍耐力。Respect for others(他者を尊重する)。他者の存在と感情に気づくこと。謝ることを学ぶこと。これらはすべて、皆さんが生涯にわたって持ち続けるべき重要なことです。



皆さんはどのように行動したのでしょうか?私たちは何をなしたでしょうか?私たちはみなで、新しいプランを作りました。その日の夜、コミッティメンバーは 私のオフィスに集まり、今後の最善策を議論し、最終的に学校のホールを使うことにしました。ダンスは部分的に振り付けを変えなければなりませんでしたが、練習時間を少し増やしました。最終的には、各チームとも1回ではなく、3回もダンスを披露することができました。マスクを着用しなければなりませんでしたが、工夫を凝らし、マスクをチームの衣装の一部にすることができました。


Class of 2021 の 皆さん、ご卒業おめでとうございます。