校長 John Southworth
The start of a new year is often accompanied by the feeling of hope. Usually that hope is centred around improving a current situation or taking oneself in a new direction. Perhaps that feeling of hope is even stronger than usual for some this year as we are also starting a new decade.
Such hopes do not come true through passive reflection. One has to be pro-active in making changes for anything to happen. And that is what we hope that all students show every day: a pro-active approach to their studies and to the learning of English, as well as a pro-active interest in the opportunities that come their way by living in Europe.
Much of what students can do and see during their time at KLAS is optional; they have to apply for it (Exchange programme, Model United Nations, Summer Abroad Programme, etc.), audition for it (musical, music festivals, etc.), sign up for it (day trips, lectures, etc.), or stand for it (positions of leadership on committees, etc.). Students will not always be successful, but I hope that they do not give up if or when they are faced with a setback. I hope that they see it as something from which they can learn and then try again at some point in the future.
In the first assembly of Term 4, I talked to students about making a new year’s resolution, and that could be something that they aim to achieve as an individual or as a group. For example, a student might have a goal of improving his or her GPA. Roommates might have a goal to speak English together once a week. A class might have a goal of getting no detentions.
With the Tokyo Olympics in July/August and our 30th anniversary in September, there are many things to look forward to this year. Let’s hope it is a successful year for all, no matter where we are and what are resolutions might be.
新年の始まりには、多くの人が希望を抱くことと思います。 たいていその希望は現在の状況を改善しようとすることだったり、新しい方向に向かうことだったりします。 新たな10年を迎えようとしている今年は希望の気持ちがいつもより強くなっている人がおそらく多いのではないでしょうか。
ターム4(冬学期)の最初のアッセンブリーで生徒たちに新年の抱負を持つように話しをしました。抱負は個人や複数のメンバーとして達成しようとしているものであっていいと思います。 たとえば、ある生徒は自分のGPAを上げるという目標があるかもしれません。寮のルームメイト同士では、週に一度英語で話しをするということ目標にするかもしれません。また、あるセクションでは、ルール違反をしないようにしようという目標があるかもしれません。