



校長 John Southworth

Whereas most schools in Europe have just finished their academic year and started their summer vacation, at KLAS we have just finished our summer vacation and started our academic year. Even with memories of a lovely graduation ceremony last May still fresh in our minds, it is time to look forward to the year ahead. July is a time for change, for fresh goals and fresh faces.

On July 6, fifty-eight fresh faces arrived in Leysin: forty-six new tenth graders, one new eleventh grader, seven summer Japanese students and four Canadian students. They were no doubt excited, but also apprehensive, about the weeks and months ahead. Even for the eleventh and twelfth graders, who returned the day before, many things are new: new rooms, new roommates, new sections, new teachers for a new course, new responsibilities, and new challenges ahead.

There are no new teachers starting at KLAS this year, though of course there are some significant changes in the administration of the school, with me taking over as Principal, Mr Zaita carrying the titles of Vice-Principal and Academic Dean, and Ms Bentley becoming the Dean of Students. Change can be daunting, even for me, but change is also a good and necessary thing, for it brings with it fresh energy, fresh vision, and fresh expectations. And it is also a privilege for us to be able to guide and support others and to take KLAS forward to its 30th anniversary and beyond.

Whether it is a new beginning as a member of staff or a new beginning as a member of the student body, let’s hope for a successful year and let’s hope that parents, staff and students, both current and former, continue to work together as a team for the good of the students and the school.



7月6日、58人のニューフェイスがレザンに到着しました。新10年生46名、11年生への転入生1名、日本からの夏期訪問生7名、カナダからの交換留学生4名です。みな明らかに興奮している様子でしたが、この先の不安も感じているようでもありました。その前日に帰寮した11・12年生にも新しい部屋、新しいルームメイト、新しいセクション、新しいコース、新しい責任、新たなチャレンジ、といったことがたくさんあります。 今年度新しく着任する教員はおりませんが、いくつかの役職の異動がありました。副校長だった私は校長職を引き継ぎ、在田先生は副校長と教務部長を兼任し、ベントリー先生は生徒部長となりました。変化は困難なことがあるかもしれませんが、新たなエネルギーやビジョン、期待をもたらし、必要なことでもあります。我々が生徒たちを指導・サポートをし、30周年以降もKLASを発展させていくことができるというのは光栄なことです。


副校長 在田 昌弘







生徒部長 Julie Bentley

Several weeks have passed since the beginning of our new academic year at KLAS and, as the new Dean of Students, it’s a relief to report that our new and visiting students are settling in nicely. Of course with any new endeavour, there are many things that students must learn about.

Students must learn how to become a member of a new community that is made up of different cultures and personalities. They must adapt to sharing dorm rooms and respecting others. They must also become accustomed to interacting in English more often than they are used to. But the biggest challenge students face is perhaps being away from the comfort and security of family and friends for the first time in their lives. They will go through a range of emotions and they will likely make mistakes, which is perfectly normal.

After five years of teaching at KLAS, it was a surprise and an honour to be asked to take on the role of Dean of Students. It's a role I enjoy and take seriously. Being an active member of the Discipline Committee (now called the Student Support Committee) for 4 years, working with Japanese students in Japan and in Canada for 20 years, and having experience providing counselling to teenagers has prepared me well for this new challenge. On top of that, I'm fortunate to work alongside a dedicated Student Support Committee, an experienced faculty and support staff, and clear leadership at KLAS.

In closing, our students may make mistakes and face ups and downs, but please be assured that I will do my best to listen to, guide, and protect your children while they study at KLAS.




KLASで教員として5年間過ごした後、生徒部長職の内示を受けたときは驚きとともに光栄なことでした。やりがいのある役職であり、真剣に受け止めております。 これまで4年間生活指導委員会(現在はStudent Support Committeeと呼ばれています)のメンバーとして活動をしてきました。また、日本とカナダで20年間日本人の生徒たちに英語を教え、10代の若者にカウンセリングを提供した経験もあります。このような経験が新たなチャレンジに役立つことと思っております。加えて、Student Support Committeeのメンバーである先生方や経験豊かな教職員に囲まれて働くことを大変幸せに感じております。
